The Importance of Preventative Maintenance

HVAC systems are often placed out of sight and oftentimes are only thought of when there is a problem, which is why we wanted to talk about our preventative maintenance programs for commercial and residential HVAC systems. Our preventative maintenance agreement means our customers will have scheduled inspections and maintenance checks to ensure the system is always working properly.

Preventative maintenance can help customers save money, increase energy efficiency, reduce system failures, and extend the life of the HVAC system. Our PMA customers also typically receive discounts on parts and services performed throughout the year.

We are currently scheduling spring visits, which for commercial customers include cleaning the inside coil, condensate pans, condensate traps, and condensate lines to prevent obstructions, cleaning the outside coil and straighten the fins to encourage efficient operations, and checking the refrigerant levels to ensure there are no leaks. Our technicians are also equipped to handle residential HVAC systems and can show homeowners how to inspect, clean, and change air filters and we offer summer tune-ups where we check refrigerant levels, inspect all electrical components and controls and cleaning evaporator and condenser coils.

To find out more about our preventative maintenance programs, visit our website. We also post more HVAC news and company updates on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.

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